Friday, March 31, 2017

Netezza NPS Release summary of new features

The  summary of note worthy features of new Netezza NPS Release (as of Feb 2017)

Refer do IBM Release notes: 

New feature
Why it's good ?
In-memory external tablesReduced catalog growth and contention.
Table-oriented zone mapsImproved incremental loads to a table
New nzload -merge optionLess steps in ETL
New SQL commands:
More tools in developers toolkit
Reduced time requirements for major upgradesShorter system downtime

New features in General Purpose Scripts Toolkit Version: 7.2 (2016-07-04)  in /nz/support/bin/***

Script Name New Option(s)Comments
nz_csv                            New script to dump out tables in in CSV format
nz_ddl_all_grants     New script to dump out all GRANT statements across all databases
nz_ddl_diff          -ignoreQuotesIgnore quotes and case in object names/DDL
nz_genstats          -defaultHave the system decide the default type of statistics to be generated
nz_groom             -scan+records
Perform a table scan + record level groom of the table (if needed) 
                      Limit the output to only tables that are considered "groom worthy"
nz_health                         Includes output from the nznpssysrevs command
                                  Includes output about the frequency/usage of the nz_*** scripts
nz_migrate            -fillRecord
Treat missing trailing input fields as null
                      Truncate any string value that exceeds its declared storage
nz_plan                           After each table ScanNode, show what is done with that data set
nz_rerandomize                    New script to re-randomize the rows in a randomly distributed table  
nz_scan_table_extents             New script to scan 1 table ... 1 dataslice ... 1 extent at a time
nz_zonemap            Include additional information with the existing "-info" option

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