Friday, September 23, 2016

Netezza: transpose delimited string into table rows e.g. split delimited character field into records

Related posts: 

Have this

Need this

SOLUTION:  This will transpose delimited record to table rows

SELECT c.cnt                                                           AS POSITION_IN_STRING_ARRAY
      ,SQLX..REGEXP_EXTRACT(a.longstring,'[^|]+',1,cast(c.cnt as int)) AS GET_VALUE_EVERY_ELEMENT
              select '201|202|203|204|205|206|207|208|209|210|211|212|213|214|215' as longstring
       ) a
cross join (select row_number () OVER (order by 1) as cnt
              from (SELECT 1 FROM HISTDB.."$hist_log_entry_3" LIMIT 70) v


This is real problem. Split pipe delimited string into individual elements: one table record for each element.

SOLUTION #1: Using  Netezza SQL Toolkit array functions  array_split () and get_value_varchar () .

Proof of concept: 

 sqlx..array_split(STR,'|')                                 as THIS_IS_ARRAY
,sqlx..get_value_varchar(sqlx..array_split(STR,'|'), NULL as GET_NULL
,sqlx..get_value_varchar(sqlx..array_split(STR,'|'),  1  )  as GET_01  --ARR starts w. 1
,sqlx..get_value_varchar(sqlx..array_split(STR,'|'),  2  )  as GET_02
,sqlx..get_value_varchar(sqlx..array_split(STR,'|'), 15  )  as GET_15
,sqlx..array_count(sqlx..array_split(STR,'|'))              as ARRAY_COUNT
--,sqlx..get_value_varchar(sqlx..array_split(STR,'|'), 16 ) as GET_NONEXIST 
--- ERROR [HY000] ERROR:  0 : Invalid Index Id
--,sqlx..get_value_varchar(sqlx..array_split(STR,'|'), '1') as GET_STRING   
--- ERROR [HY000] ERROR:  0 : Invalid Index Name
  from (
       select '201|202|203|204|205|206|207|208|209|210|211|212|213|214|215' as STR) AS F

Putting this all together

select F.ROWID AS RECID                    --- Original source records PK or unique identifier.            
,c.CNT        AS POSITION_IN_STRING_ARRAY --- Position of elemen in the field array (optional).
,sqlx..get_value_varchar(ARR,CAST(DECODE(SIGN(LEN-c.CNT),1,c.CNT,null) AS INT) ) AS GET_VALUE_EVERY_ELEMENT  
FROM  --- CAST is a must otherwise GET_VALUE_VARCHAR fails with:  "ERROR: Invalid Index Name"
(select ROWID                                                          --- Get ROWID or replace it with PK column
      ,sqlx..array_split(LONGSTRING,'|')                    AS ARR   --- Parse string into array only once
      ,sqlx..array_count(sqlx..array_split(LONGSTRING,'|')) AS LEN   --- Get lenth of this field to be used later
) AS --- Generate sequence from 1..N. Where N is the longest array in the field CNTRCT_SPEED
cross join (select row_number () OVER (order by 1) as cnt             
                 FROM (SELECT 1 FROM TESTDB.LONGSTRING limit 70 ) v
) AS C --- Eleminate non-existing array elements. They still in Cartesian Product (1..70) where there is no match.
where DECODE(SIGN(LEN-c.CNT),1,c.CNT,null) is not null

SOLUTION #2: Using  Netezza SQL Toolkit regular expression function regexp_extract () .

Proof of concept: 

 sqlx..regexp_match_count(STR,'[^|]+')      as MATCH_COUNT
,sqlx..regexp_extract(STR,'[^|]+',1,NULL)   as GET_NULL
,sqlx..regexp_extract(STR,'[^|]+',1,1)      as GET_01
,sqlx..regexp_extract(STR,'[^|]+',1,2)       as GET_02
,sqlx..regexp_extract(STR,'[^|]+',1,15)     as GET_15
,sqlx..regexp_extract(STR,'[^|]+',1,16)     as GET_GET_16
,sqlx..regexp_extract(STR,'[^|]+',1,222)    as GET_NONEXIST
---,sqlx..regexp_extract(STR,'[^|]+',1,0)   as GET_ZERO   
--- ERROR [HY000] ERROR:  0 : Regex: Illegal Reference Value 0
---,sqlx..regexp_extract(STR,'[^|]+',1,'1') as GET_STRING 
--- ERROR [HY000] ERROR:  0 : Regex: Illegal Option (1)
  from (
       select '201|202|203|204|205|206|207|208|209|210|211|212|213|214|215' as STR) AS F

Putting this all together
select a.ROWID AS RECID                  --- Original source records PK or unique identifier. 
      ,c.cnt AS POSITION_IN_STRING_ARRAY --- Position of elemen in the field array (optional).
      ,sqlx..regexp_extract(LONGSTRING,'[^|]+',1,cast(c.cnt as int)) GET_VALUE_EVERY_ELEMENT
from (select ROWID, * from TESTDB.LONGSTRING
) a --- Generate sequence from 1..N. Where N is the longest array in the field CNTRCT_SPEED
cross join (select row_number () OVER (order by 1) as cnt    
                 FROM (SELECT 1 FROM TESTDB.LONGSTRING  limit 70 ) v ) c
--- Eliminate non-existing elements. They still listed in Cartesian Product (1..70) where there is no match.


Notice,  limiting depth of search in crossjoin  ... limit70 will reduce the data explosion and improve performance.  This is tested at TF6 with 14 million record original source table.

SOLUTION #1array_split ()  and get_value_varchar () .
/*  LIMIT 5,000,000 Duration 19.1540956 sec. Records Affected:   6,605,274. */
/* LIMIT 10,000,000 Duration 52.2369878 sec. Records Affected:  43,817,113. */
/* LIMIT 12,000,000 Duration 45.5606059 sec. Records Affected:  79,234,929.*/
/* LIMIT 13,000,000 Duration 49.7078431 sec. Records Affected:  98,032,515. */
/* LIMIT 14,000,000 Duration 50.1268671 sec. Records Affected: 106,848,663.*/

SOLUTION #2:  regexp_extract () .
/* LIMIT  5,000,000 Duration  131.9048611 sec. Records Affected:    6,605,274. */
/* LIMIT 10,000,000 Duration  683.4229685 sec. Records Affected:   43,817,113. */
/* LIMIT 12,000,000 Duration 1175.0658919 sec. Records Affected:   79,234,929. */
/* LIMIT 13,000,000 Duration 1433.8532871 sec. Records Affected:   98,032,515. */
/* LIMIT 14,000,000 Duration 1562.2020755 sec. Records Affected:  106,848,663. */


  1. Thanks - this is truly an nice description of how to do this in netezza :)

    One comment though: did you try useing the regexp_extract_all_sp() function?
    Since it enables parsing the string once and the indexing into the array for each row (much like your other solution) I would expect the performance to be less 'bad' ?
